We have pioneered ourselves mainly in the field of providing project financing services to mid- corporate and big- corporate clients. We provide expert advice in identifying Costs of Project & designing Means of Finance and help our clients to evaluate financial viability of a particular project. After evaluating viability of a particular project; we serve our clients by way of arranging funds from nationalized banks. We are syndicating all types of loans including Term Loan, Cash Credit Facilities, Letter of Credit, Buyers’ credit, Bill- discounting etc. We also arrange private equities for prestigious projects.
Arrangement of better Terms:
We do not only provide consultancy for arrangement of funds from Banks/ F.I.s; but, we syndicate funds at better terms and conditions. We arrange funds from Banks at lower negotiated rates, discounted processing fees, smooth margins, comfortable moratorium & repayment periods etc. We design loan in a way that our clients smoothly repay the loan in stipulated timeframe. That’s why none of our introduced accounts in banks got converted into NPAs. Our cumulative NPA rate is ZERO.
Extended Support:
It is a normal trend in project finance consultancy services that consultants do not continue their support and services after first disbursement of loan. But, we make a difference here by continue offering our services even after first disbursal of loan and we extend these services up to final closure of loan. This gives a comfortable mind set and financial environment for the promoters and business houses.
We have expert team of Chartered Accountants and other finance professionals. We have sound liaison with Lender Bank/F.I.’s. We have very good relations with Panel Valuers, Advocates, TEV Consultants, and Engineers etc. in the panel of various banks. These relations help our clients for faster execution of works.
Balance Act:
We are not only taking care of our clients; but, we also take care of Bank/ F.I.s while introducing an account. We have our own due diligence mechanism. We verify worthiness, integrity & reliability of new groups at own level and then only we introduce those clients to Banks. That is also another reason why bankers rely on clients introduced by us.